The team at Advanced Film Solutions has over 35 years of commercial and government building window film installation experience. Our large selection of window films allows us to meet guidelines for an assortment of energy saving tax incentive and rebate programs including the national recovery act.
Visit the links below to learn more about these programs. Please contact us today to get a customized quote that will explain how our window films can help you meet program guidelines.
Recovery Act and the State Energy Program
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) State Energy Program (SEP) will distribute $3.1 billion to the states under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). Click here to visit the website
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants
Over $2.6 billion in formula grants are now available to states, U.S. territories, local governments and Indian tribes under the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants (EECBG) Program. Federal grants may be used to reduce energy use and fossil fuel emissions, and for improvements in energy efficiency.
Recovery Act – State and Territory Recovery Sites
Each state and territory maintains a page on its official site explaining how Recovery funds are being allocated and spent. Select a state or territory name below to get specific Recovery information.
Protect your furnishings from UV fade and your skin from the Sun’s harmful rays.

Comparative Analysis of Retrofit Window Film to Replacement with High Performance Windows
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